This year, the SPG-Rytz Group celebrates three decades of partnership. In the late eighties, Société Privée de Gérance (SPG) and Rytz & Cie SA decided to join forces in order to share their experience and know-how. Here’s a brief look back at this lasting “marriage”.
In 1988—a prosperous time in the real estate market—the partnership between these two important agencies was initiated by Thierry Barbier-Mueller, who was then Secretary General of SPG, and Yves Rytz and Gérald Morand, who were both associates at Rytz & Cie SA. This was the beginning of what from then on would be known as the SPG-Rytz Group.
In the face of the real estate crisis of 1989, despite the difficulties, the three administrators formed an unwavering united front, sealing the partnership between the two agencies.
Its success lies in the association of two family-owned-and-operated agencies that are committed to the human dimension of their services, as well as their economic and operational independence. Despite having separate operations, the two agencies always come to an agreement in order to ensure the longevity of the group. Thierry Barbier-Mueller adds that, in 30 years, no decision has ever been made by a vote. The three administrators have always opted for unanimity.
His succession was ensured with the appointment of Marie Barbier-Mueller to the group’s current Board of Directors in 2016. Yves Rytz underscores what a pleasure it is to welcome a new generation, which brings with it a new mentality.
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