Sustainable development

SPG’s main activities relate to the management and preservation of a heritage, by definition sustainable, real estate heritage. Our decisions and actions are guided by the search for a balance between the three pillars of sustainable development, which are economic development, social equity and environmental preservation, with a strong emphasis on environmental responsibility.

Preservation of the environment

Through regular actions and innovative projects, we are committed to environmental preservation. Our strategy concerning this area is based on three distinct axes. The first being the control of our carbon footprint. Then, monitoring and improving the real estate portfolio that we manage, for which we recommend optimisation measures and/or energy-efficient renovations.

We promote energy-efficient renovations as soon as possible, so leading to a reduction in charges, tax deductions and an increase in the value of the property. The renovation of our Group’s headquarters in Geneva is an excellent example: it enabled us to save approximately 68% of our heating costs.

Finally, environmental planning advice to project owners that we support in terms of development and management, with the aim of achieving high-level energy standards in the context of new constructions or elevation projects.


Concrete examples of projects

“Artamis des Rois”: a Minergie®-certified building, delivered in 2017, and housing a rooftop vegetable garden managed by resident-cooperators.

roof garden of the Artamis des Rois building


“Les Plages de Dardagny”: a Minergie®-certified project delivered in 2016 and. A true example of sustainable development with 100% renewable energy coverage, this project includes the first participatory orchard in the canton.

Building of Les Plages de Dardagny project.


Reforest’Action: To mark its 60th anniversary, SPG joined forces with Reforest Action for a reforestation project. Since 2020, for each contract signed – leases, sales contracts, employment contracts, etc. – a tree is planted in a region of the world (Amazon, Ivory Coast, Haiti). More than 1,500 trees have been planted annually thanks to this project.

A person taking care of the trees' saplings for a reforestation project.

SPG Sustainable Development Prize

The SPG Sustainable Real Estate Prize was created in 2013, following the launch of the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Energy Management organised by the Institute of Environmental Sciences (ISE) and the University of Geneva. Initially, this prize aimed to reward an energy management project within any building.

In 2019, this prize was extended to the entire continuing education sector in environment and sustainable development, in partnership with the management of the ISE. It now rewards diploma thesis in the fields of energy management, water governance, geomatics for a sustainable environment, town planning and sustainable development.

The winners of the SPG Sustainable Development Prize are listed below:


2023 winner Nathalie Nyssen. The 2023 SPG Sustainable Development Prize was awarded to Nathalie Nyssen for her diploma thesis “Implementation of Nature-based Solutions: renaturation of waterways and greening of roofs in Greater Geneva”.


2022 winner Nicolas Daniltchenko. The 2022 SPG Sustainable Development Prize was awarded to Nicolas Daniltchenko for his diploma thesis “Creation of a monthly TV event on Léman Bleu dedicated to the general public and focused on sustainable development”.


2021 winner Fruzsina Homolka. The 2021 SPG Sustainable Development Prize was awarded to Fruzsina Homolka for her diploma thesis aimed at improving the efficiency of mobility and sustainability in Switzerland.


2020 winner Simone Albertini. The 2020 SPG Sustainable Development Prize rewards his end-of-studies project carried out as part of the CAS Geomatics for Sustainable Environment at the University of Geneva for his proposal for ecological infrastructure to stop the loss of biodiversity in Ticino.



2016 winner Céline Castiglione. The 2016 SPG Sustainable Real Estate Prize was awarded to Céline Castiglione for her diploma thesis which aims to create a platform within companies for the implementation of an energy management system.


2015 winner Etienne Favey. The 2015 SPG Sustainable Real Estate Prize rewards his end-of-studies project carried out as part of the CAS in Energy Management at the University of Geneva on a housing portfolio belonging to the City of Geneva.


2014 winner Loïc Vallelian. The 2014 SPG Sustainable Real Estate Prize rewards his diploma thesis on energy management within the Fondation du Vieux-Carouge.


2013 winner Frédérik Chappuis. The SPG Sustainable Real Estate Prize rewards his diploma thesis which focuses on energy management in Geneva utilities. This work was awarded for having taken into account the issue of buildings’ energy efficiency from a global point of view.