Prix littéraire SPG

Created in 2014 on the initiative of Thierry Barbier-Mueller, Managing Director and CEO of Société Privée de Gérance, the SPG Literary Prize for the first novel in French-speaking Switzerland rewards each year the first work of fiction (novel) by a French-speaking author, written in French and published by a Swiss publishing house. The aim of this prize is to promote the literary creation of the French-speaking part of Switzerland and its distribution, to encourage new authors from the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and to support the French-speaking publishing industry and its actors. The SPG Literary Prize for the first novel in French-speaking Switzerland is endowed with CHF 5,000 (five thousand francs).

This year, the Prize will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a great program.


Composition of the 2023 Jury:

  • Sophie Barbier-Mueller, Honorary Member of the Jury of the SPG Literary Prize for the First Novel in French-speaking Switzerland
  • Pascal Couchepin, Honorary President, former Federal Councillor
  • Mania Hahnloser, Honorary President of the Alliance Française de Berne
  • Isabelle Falconnier, Journalist and Literary Critic
  • Sofia Baureder, Teacher and Cultural Advisor
  • Maxime Pégatoquet, Journalist and Independent Editor

The finalists for the prix littéraire SPG du premier roman romand 2023 :

  • en attendant heidi d’Isabel Garcia Gomez, éditions de l’Aire
  • Le dernier souffle du Laret de Noémie Charmoy, éditions Slatkine
  • AZAD de Mélanie Croubalian, éditions Slatkine
  • L’Héritier de Gruyères d’Alexandre Gachet, éditions Montsalvens
  • Fusil d’Odile Cornuz, éditions d’en bas


The winners of the prix littéraire SPG du premier roman romand :


Winner 2022 Louise De Bergh for her first novel “Hermès Baby “, Éditions Romann. Click to see the selection.


Winner 2021 Anna Szücs for her first novel “L’anatomie d’une décision “, Éditions Encre Fraîche. Click to see the selection.



Winner 2019 Claire May for her first novel “Oostduinkerke”, Éditions de l’Aire. Click to see the selection.


Winner 2018 Eric Bulliard for his first novel “L’adieu à Saint-Kilda”, Editions de l’Hèbe. Click to see the selection.


Winner 2017 Elisa Shua Dusapin for her first novel “Hiver à Sokcho”, Editions Zoé. Click to see the selection.


Winner 2016 Marc Voltenauer for his first novel “Le Dragon du Muveran”, Editions Plaisir de lire. Click to see the selection.


Winner 2015 Jack Küpfer for his first novel “Black Whidah”, Olivier Morattel Editeur. Click to see the selection.


Winner 2014 Damien Murith for his first novel “La Lune Assassinée”, Editions L’Âge d’homme. Click to see the selection.


You can contact us at, or by phone at 058 810 33 20.

Follow the news of the Prix littéraire SPG on our Facebook page.



See the press reviews…

…as well as the press articles below:, 2022, Julie Müller, “Une plume romande primée”

Le Journal de l’Immobilier, 2022, Véronique Stein “Quatre femmes liées par le destin”

Le Nouvelliste, 2021, “Littérature romande: Anna Szücs décroche le prix SPG pour son premier roman”

Immorama, 2021, Marine Cartier, “Un dilemne hongrois”

Le Temps, 2017, Valérie de Graffenried, “Elisa Shua Dusapin, une fleur à New York”

Tribune de Genève, 2016, Laurence Bézaguet, “Grâce à son premier opus d’une série noire, Marc Voltenauer reçoit un prix”

Tout l’immobilier, 2014, Christine Esseiva, “Prix littéraire SPG à Damien Murith”

Bibliomedia, 2014, “Damien Murith lauréat du 35e Prix Bibliomedia Suisse”